Monday, December 5, 2011

Our 2011 Christmas Party was fun-we wish you all a Merry Christmas!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Christmas Party

Hope you are making plans to attend our Christmas Party.
December 3, at the Forest Green Public Library. 11 am - 3 pm
What to Bring: Lace to exchange (optional), door prize(optional), item to raffle (optional), covered dish of your choice and most importantly YOURSELF

It is always so fun do hope to see you there.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Quarterly Business Meeting July 26, 2011

Quarterly Business Meeting July 26, 2011

Members Present:  Rita H, Rowena B, Linda C, Dorothy M, Marilyn W and Debbie S
The meeting was called to order at 12:40 PM by Rita H, President.

Secretary's Report: Debbie asked if there were any changes needed to the April 2011 minutes as published in the newsletter.  Rowena made the motion to accept the minutes, Linda seconded and the motion was passed.

Treasurer's Report:  Class with Alex Stillwell required only $100 from DLS funds so the student fees covered most expenses.

Arden will have DLS pay her fee for attending the IOLI conference since she was the only member attending and agreed to report  about the IOLI meeting.

VP/Program Chairman Report:  Need to talk to Cathy about teaching a Honiton class. Also, need to get on Louise Colgan's schedule for another Milanese class.

Librarian Report: Nothing new to report.

Demonstrations: Rita reported 6 hours of demonstration and Linda will earn some hours soon. Dorothy will get contact information from Norrell if Cathy doesn't have it.

Membership Report: There are currently about 35 DLS members.

Hospitality Report: Karen was absent.

Newsletter: Dorothy suggested DLS start a blog perhaps replacing the newsletter. After much discussion, we agreed to try a blog but reluctant to replace the newsletter since many members are not active computer participants.

Old Business:  The Christmas party will be held on 12/3/11 at Forest Green library.

New Business:  Rita is moving back to Belgium at the end of the year and Cathy cannot accept another term at this time. Therefore, we need candidates for President and Vice-president.  Linda and Debbie have agreed to remain Treasurer and Secretary, respectively, for another term.

Next meeting will be 10/25/11.

Meeting was adjourned at 1:15 PM by Rita Hansen.

Respectfully submitted,
Debbie S

Monday, October 31, 2011

President's Message

Dear lacers,

The heat of the summer is behind us and we all are looking forward to spend some valuable time with the family to celebrate Thanksgiving.
Once Thanksgiving is behind us our DLS Xmas party is only days away. If you didn’t start with making your exchange piece, put it on your to-do list because time goes fast and you don’t want to miss out on the opportunity to end up with one of the master pieces made by one of our members.
As the end of the year is insight and I’ll move back to my home country Belgium, it’s time to select a new President to lead this wonderful group and keep the art of lace alive. The place from Vice-President is also an opportunity because Cathy her live changed and she cannot take this responsibility on top of her busy schedule. I know we have wonderful members and someone will come forward to take the lead and keep this club going.
I’m looking forward to a great Xmas party and hope to see you all sharing memories , good food , goodies, laughs and joy,

DLS President,
Rita Hansen-Nieuwendijk

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

President's Message

Dear lacers,
It’s hot outside and I hope that doesn’t stop you from making lace.
Time goes fast and in many craft stores we can already see the first sign of Christmas is coming.
Like I told you last year during our yearly Xmas meeting, I’ll move back to Europe, more specific to Belgium the birthplace of lace, at the end of 2011.
Last April my son married Luise and she promised me a grandchild soon. They kept their promise and the baby is due around February 22 this is for me an extra reason to move Plano for to Belgium!
Moving back is leaving the Dallas Lace Society behind and I’ll be happy to leave this club in the good hands of the next President.
Who will this be?? It’s up to the members to come forward and take the responsibility to keep this “Art” club going.
The attendance of the weekly meetings has been dropping, maybe it is time to think about a change and have a bi-weekly meeting at one of the members homes. Just a thought, which will be an agenda point at the next board meeting together with the identification of the new President.
Before I came to Dallas I found the Dallas Lace Society on internet and one of the first things I did when we came to Texas was to join this Society. I have never been sorry!!
It’s a bittersweet feeling to say good bye to all of you,